Monday, July 5, 2010

Dueling Views of the Economy

I hope your 4th of July was as good as mine. This week’s video concerns the perils of forming strong opinions about the future of the economy. If you’d like to read the results of our recent survey, they are below the video link.
We had a very high response rate to the survey; the results were gratifying as well as edifying. 95% of respondents read all or part of each week’s economic update email. In addition, 84% said they liked the video updates.
The comments were very interesting and presented me with some challenges. There were a few comments indicating that the videos were too long; others thought they were too short; and still others thought they were just about the right length. In addition, there were several useful suggestions for improving the technical parts of the videos.
Finally, there were some excellent suggestions for topics to cover. Frankly, between the topics I’d like to cover, the topics that have been suggested, and the topics that come up each week, I have more than enough to write and talk about. The challenge is to decide whittle it down to one a week.
Thanks for the feedback, and have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy, It's nice to see you enjoying a little fresh air outside of the office during the summer months. Who knew you had polo shirts in your closet? I love the signature bow tie you wear in during office hours, but it's good to see you're as professional and helpful in a relaxed setting as your are in a professional setting.

    One thing you might want to fix with this particular video: the size of the graphic is waaaay to large for the column grid space that the blog template allows. As a result, the video clip (as of the time this comment is date stamped) is flowing over into the right hand column grid and, thus, is covering up your profile photo and introductory audio.

    Keep up the good work!
